
I came across a wonderful book titled, “7 laws to success”, or something similar to it. (I am not able to locate it now, to get the right title! :P) It was quite a small book and I was able to complete it in a couple of days. The effect that it had on me, lasts even after those couple of days. (Very few books have that “effect”, even after you finish reading it!!)

In that book, the author, Mr.Chopra, talks about success. True to its name! He starts with defining success. He stops right there. He says, “Success is defined differently by every person”.

Every one of us wants to be successful in life. But, are the priorities similar? No! Are the metrics we hold for grading oneself successful, similar? No!

The author adds, you shouldn’t look at yourself through the eyes of someone else. Your priorities and situations in your life is totally different from someone else'.
Isn’t it true?

I like a dialogue in a famous Tamil movie. An old man, who had aspired to become a film director in his younger days, ended up with a small petty shop. But, when he shares his story about the mistakes  he did in his life, he says, I may not look successful to you. But in my eyes, I am a very successful and a happy man.

The way our life’s events turn up, might be surprising and shocking for us. It may not go as we had planned. But, we should never lose hope. As the author, Mr. Chopra says,
    “  … trusting that when things don’t seem to go my way, there is a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those that I have conceived…

So, let us not grade our lives to be a failure, just because someone says so or thinks so. We have our own destiny to fulfill and we have a whole lot of life before us to be lived. And a whole lot of things to be done to prove them ALL wrong.

“And miles to go before I sleep!” 


success is getting all we want, including what cannot be bought by money, but when it goes to head it is a failure
khandekaustubh said…
Good,the author of this blog seems to be a very good learner of litreture and as well as a good oberver of human life.

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