For few, it is, “A three letter word that holds the meaning for everything.” For few, “A meaningless three letter word, stumbling the progress of man’s intellect.” You know what. Every individual grown enough to speak out his/her mind, has his/her own beliefs about God. One completely believes in Him. One may completely believe in Him, but not the rituals and idols to worship Him. The other is one who is completely against the existence of God.

Though I am absolutely against the prevalent superstitions in the worshipping of God, I still have strong belief that the sacred books and the basic morales of a religion, left behind by our ancestors aren’t just eye-washers. The message they say stood right, in their age. They are standing apt today. They will be so in the days to come.

The epics told to us, about various religions cannot be just set aside as folk tale, because they are out-dated or also because they don’t bear proper evidence to please us. Who knows? There may not be ‘any’ evidence for our mere existence some 100,200 years later. I recently came across a saying,” If prayer had no meaning, it would not have withstood so many generations.” It is true. Something that is not true, cannot survive so many years. For, only ‘truth’ can outlive change.
It is not that I want you to blindly believe in the words of our ancestors, but that I wish all of us could try to heed to them with some respect.

Any religion in its true spirits, is meant to give peace within the soul. That peace is one which is to be experienced and can’t be explained. Just as pain, air, smell can be felt but cannot be expressed or seen. Well, prayer may not be meant to be a continuous list of wants alone, but can actually be a serious desire for understanding the self. It cannot be done by nothing. All it requires is concentration and will, the path for which, a religion can offer you.

I am reminded of my daily routine, of gazing at the morning sun, when I speak of God! I wonder at the rays that pass through the green leaves, leaving them tinted with their colour. It is a marvel to watch. And not to mention the rain. The clouds. The ants. The soil. The planets. The sky. The tree. Water. The human body and mind. Everything.

It would be considered too egoistic if I said ALL things around me, happen because of scientific reactions, whose origins are ‘unknown(?!!)’. Science can define everything around us and our own self. But, one important thing we should never forget is, “Science and technology can never bring us peace, when used for destructive purposes. They should be ‘used’ for our betterment and never should they become a part of us.”

Let us just sit back and close our eyes and feel the energy flowing within ourselves, bountifully. For, God is within everybody. All we need is to acknowledge Him.


dear sruthi,superstisons are some form belief aren't hey? right ro wrong they form the basis of belief which leads one choose their GOD of their choice. Impermanence and change are the law of nature.
My views reg. GOD
Our galaxy is some 100,000 light years in diameter,the sun being a insignificant star some 30,000 light years from the galaxy,circling inan orbit of its ownevery 200 million years.Can we visualize the scale of the universe beyond the solar system.we all this exists but whoo created it.

An airplane with sophiscated tecnolgy, and eqiupmets the pilot operates as directed by the compass. but waht and which is the force which operates the compass. we don't sse see,touch,smell,hear the force but still we know that it exists.GOD is the compass directing our life so I believe.

Another storey which i would like ti share

Mr.X walks into a bareber shop,picks up a conversation with the barber. bareber is of the view that GOD don't exits and when Mr.X asks why? the barber qupis that if GOD exists then why is the discrepancy in the status and wealth of citizens. why didn't he create citzens of equal status.?
Mr.X walked out and saw a unshaven bearded peson on the road. Mr.X. returned and tol d the barber that barber don't exits. the bareber got angry and said but for us you will all be with unshaven face and hangng beard. Mr.X. if that is so then why is the man on the road with grown beard..

just like people go the barber for ashave citizens sholud seek the GOD for his guidence. the only differenec is that barber is seen in flesh and blood whereas GOD is omnipresent and cannot be seen felt,smelt,or heard.

thilagarajs said…
Hi Shruthi,,,,,,

very gud post yaar:)u gav ur master piece after a long break. :):) keep posting... :)
Premkumar said…
@Shruthi: Well said! Sit back and think, you'll find a strong background to every saying and practice and sometimes, even superstition.

@retirementlife: i strongly agree with you, sir. Science is an art of answering questions that remained for long, unanswered. But the one question that always teased science is "Who posed all these questions?" Atheistic scientists may claim that "God" is a comfortable answer rather than a "Correct, proven one". I strongly feel, its the genius work of God that drives these people towards mining the answers for the riddles of the world. However, the answer to the above question, nevertheless, would remain elusive
Thereis no science which does not already exits in nature. I honestly feel that scientist is a spoilt child of nature when i remember the horrendous tragedy that inflicted JAPAN after the Tsunami.Scientist know how to build a nuclear reactor but failed to protect the catstrophe.whereas whatever created by nature is disintegrated to its originality

GOD,SOUL, CONCIOUSNESS are all the same but due to lack of clarity we call them by different names. GOD is nothingness.By being nothing HE is every thing ,pure simple,egoless.immortal.infinteall prevading and prevailing.

Sruthi- by gazing at the morning sun you are getting all the education of "LIVE YOUR LIFE" which no university can offer

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