Who are you trying to emulate?

Let us ask this question to ourselves before going further.”Who am I trying to be like?”
Most part of our life, we try to be like someone else. We want to dress, walk, talk, live like someone or the other. May be sometimes, the person whom we are trying to emulate is a very successful person. But, don’t you think we lose our individuality while doing so? Aren’t we born to be unique in this world?
We want ourselves to be qualified by our fellow people with so called certificates as “You walk like so and so”, ”Your speech is very much like so and so” and blah blah. But, we refrain from being ourselves. You may not know. If you are the way you are naturally used to be, people might say something like “That boy’s speech is like yours”. You would be that ‘so and so’ that people had been holding in their minds as the standard against which they compare people’s performance!
Imagine!! You are created in this world by the Master. The one who created our star studded celebrity world. We keep gazing at the men and women on the big screen with so much awe that we think ourselves less worth, which is actually not the case. We are equally or mostly better qualified and blessed with a good family than those people.
He, she, you, I and any other thing in this world was created to be unique. Let us not try and break the art, which I personally consider a master piece, with each piece proving to do its best in its assigned role. Thus making the entire world a great colourful master piece that it was intended to make.
Can you imagine someone calling a board with just one colour, a master piece? Each object should have a different colour. A different nature.
Be yourself. It is why you are here. There is already a person in this world, whose traits you want to emulate so badly. Stop that. Do your part that God gave you with the full commitment from your side.


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