True,a stitch in time definitely saves nine stitches later.I say this for a reason.

Usually I am annoyed by the way some people leave lights and fans on,even when not in use.This, I should say is an act of neglect.They fail to understand that their small act of just swithcing off the lights,fans and water faucets today,will definitely pay off some day or the other.Not just for them,but for their future generation as well.

This need not be just for the sake of the future generation.Doesn't swithcing off electrical appliances when not in use greatly reduce the electricity bill?
Sure enough,I have seen plenty of people who are ready to heed to the wastage of electricity when in home.But when it comes to places away from home,they think it is some other person's responsibility.

Resources available to us is actually everyone's.Be it on some other person's cost,it becomes ours too,when there is an accute need for it.We may not realse it now.There are always times when people realise.Unfortunately that happens late.

We obviously know that our resources are fast depleting.But is there any possible measure from our side??It is a lame excuse to blame the government alone for this leisure.Though it is difficult to bring back what we lost,isn't it our binding responsibility to save what we got??

Act..whenever there is a small bulb glowing without use..when people switch lights in bright daylight...when the air conditioners are on,where the evening breeze is still suffice to sooth us..act..because it wont be long before our children come around us complaining of thirst and we might not be able to even give them the fresh,tasty water that we drink with so much neglect..


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